Board of Trustees
A member-elected board of trustees determines Lake Region Electric Cooperative's policies and procedures. These trustees meet monthly to set guidelines for the co-op's management and to direct your voice in the cooperative's operations. The board typically meets on the first Tuesday of each month.
LREC's board is comprised of seven trustees. Trustees serve three-year terms on the board. LREC is a member-owned and locally controlled electric cooperative. This means you, our members own the cooperative and are responsible for governing it through an elected board of trustees. Each year during Annual Meeting (last Saturday in April), you are tasked with electing representatives from the general membership to serve on the board.
To view the upcoming board meeting agenda and minutes, click here. Below are your board representatives, and you can contact them via email.

Scott Manes

Lynn Lamons

Randall Shankle

Gary Cooper

Jack Teague

James Walls