Electric Rates
- Residential
Service Availability | $43.50
Energy Charge | $0.0792/kWh
PCA | $0.0077061/kWh
- General Service (Single-Phase)
Service Availability (under 200 Amps) | $43.50
Service Availability (over 200 Amps) | $53.50
Energy Charge | $0.0792/kWh
PCA | $0.0077061/kWh
- General Service (Three-Phase)
Service Availability | $73.50
Energy Charge | $0.0792/kWh
PCA | $0.0077061/kWh
- Large General Service
Service Availability | $150.00
Demand Charge | $11.25/kW
Energy Charge | $0.05130/kWh
PCA | $0.0077061/kWh
- Large General Service (time-of-use)
Service Availability | $150.00
Base Demand | $3.55/kW
On Peak Demand | $12.50kW
Energy Charge | $0.04620/kWh
PCA | $0.0077061/kWh
- Outdoor Lighting
Security Light 7,000 Lumens | $10.60
Security Light 20,000 Lumens | $31.35
Decorative Lights | $25.60
- Fees and Charges
Connect Fee | $35.00
Returned Check | $40.00
Re-connect Fee | $100.00
After-Hours Reconnect Fee | $500.00
Meter Tampering Fee | $250.00
48-Hour Notice Fee | $5.00
Breaker Box Fee | $50.00
Meter Test Fee | $35.00
Temporary Service Connect Fee | $75.00
False Outage Report | $100.00
Staking / Engineering Consulting Fee | $75.00
Security Light Relocation Fee | $100.00
Credit Check Fee | $5.00
Need a Copy to Print - Download LREC’s rate schedule sheets below.
- Rate Schedule - 1/1/25
- Outdoor Lighting - 1/1/23
- Other Fees & Charges - 1/1/23
- Distributed Generation Rider - 1/1/18
- Distributed Generation Guidelines
- Security Deposits
- Disconnect Procedures