Operation Round-Up 

Operation Round-Up logo
Small Change That Changes Lives

Since Lake Region Electric Cooperative, Inc. was formed on September 17, 1949, we have been dedicated to helping the people in Oklahoma live better lives, not only with affordable electric power but through our involvement in several essential community endeavors.

With Operation Round-Up, an innovative community service fundraising program, we can share a simple and rewarding way for Lake Region Electric Cooperative, Inc. members to help support worthwhile projects in our service areas.

Operation Round-Up is just what the name implies. Each month, Lake Region Electric Cooperative "rounds up" the electric bill of participating members to the next highest dollar. For example, a member's monthly bill of $52.73 would be automatically rounded up to $53.00, with the additional 27 cents going to the Operation Round-Up fund. Donations are tax-deductible, and LREC will send members a summary of their yearly contributions in December and January. 

Application deadline is 4 p.m. on the 1st day of January, April, July, and October

Meetings will be held:

  • January 22
  • April 23
  • July 23
  • October 22

Please download and print the application below and mail it to Lake Region Electric Cooperative ATTN: Operation Round-Up PO Box 127, Hulbert, OK 74441, or bring it to any of our offices. 

Individual / Family Application



 Operation Round-Up Summary

2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014| 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024



Q. When are the applications due?
The application deadline is 4 p.m. on the 1st day of January, April, July, and October.
Q. Who decides where the money collected from Operation Round-Up goes?
A nine-member, volunteer board called the Lake Region Foundation Charitable Trust meets regularly, reviews applications and makes disbursements.
Q. Who can serve on the trust board?
Anyone who is at least 18 years of age, a permanent resident of the district from which he/she is chosen, of good moral character, and a member of LREC, qualified to vote in the election for LREC Board of Directors.
Q. Are board members of the trust paid?
Q. Who can apply for assistance to Operation Round-Up?
Individuals or groups residing within LREC's service territory can apply using forms provided by LREC. Completed forms can be returned to LREC.
Q. Is the trust audited?
Yes, at least annually.
Q. What uses are specifically prohibited for Operation Round-Up grant money?
No funds of the trust can be used to support any candidate for political office. Funds also are not used to pay members' electric bills.
Q. If I participate, how much will I contribute?
The maximum monthly cost to a member could be 99 cents or $11.88 per year.
Q. Are Operation Round-Up donations tax-exempt?
Yes, LREC will notify you on both your January and February bills of your total charitable contribution for the previous year.
Q. What if I decide at a later date I want to withdraw from the program?
You can withdraw at any time by notifying the cooperative by phone, in person or in writing.

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